Monday, January 4, 2010

Forgive Me

Jesus, Forgive me for saying you don't care.
When things are not to my liking,
Or go contrary to my plans.

Forgive me for beating myself up,
When I make mistakes,
Or think I have failed.

Forgive me for those moments
I act like God,
Like I have all power.

Forgive me for accusing you of abandonment.
You cannot walk away,
You are my savior, brother, and Father.

Forgive me for acting like a child,
Throwing a tantrum,
When I don't get what I want.

Thank you for forgiveness.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for your life.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, I have been reading your blog for the last couple of days (I kept the address you gave me at Brett's house in November!). These are great! Short, sweet, and powerful. Thanks for sharing your heart/prayers.

    Jamie Bilton
