Sunday, November 29, 2009

Your Word

O lord let me learn in silence
Let me hear your word,
May you speak the living word.
Change my mind, change my heart
Renew me, restore me, remind me.

Steel my will to walk in obedience.
May my heart be at peace in following your word.
Let my mind grasp the power of your word.
Your word brings life to my being.
Without your word there is only existence.

Speak and I will listen.
Lead and I will follow.
Rest and I will be still.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


O lord teach me how to fast.
Not just the giving up of something
but the giving of something.
Not just a spiritual exercise of worship to know you better
and gather to myself some great spiritual prowess
But the living out of your love and purpose
To change a persons life not just the soul's destination.
Teach me lord, teach me.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Take Control

O Lord, my human nature tells me to take control.
to say things that curry favor,
to do things that ingratiate myself to others,
to make sure others know what I can do,
to protect myself, take care of myself,
promote myself, trust only myself.

O Lord, You are in control.
You are the one I will trust.
You promote
You watch over and protect your children.
The words I speak should only flow from your love.

O Lord, may your nature take over my nature.
I surrender to you. Take control.

Monday, November 9, 2009


O Lord, give me courage to stay the course.
My all you have designed for me come to pass.
when I wonder, hedge me in.
When mistakes of the past begin to march through my mind,
rain on the parade.

When I begin to judge myself by earthly criteria,
Remind me I live in your kingdom.
Show me continually what kingdom success is;
It is not in breadth of position, power, and prestige,
but in depth of relationship with you.

Monday, November 2, 2009


O Lord, you are my confidence.
In you I will trust.
When others curse your name
I will worship you.
When others question your reality
I will believe in you.

When trials block my path
You will show me a way.
When temptation trips me,
You lift me up and lead the way.
When pride detours me
You gently lead me back.

You have declared your power and might.
You have declared there is no God but you.
You have declared your Word is everlasting.
You have declared your care for your children.
You have declared your Spirit is with those who love you.
I declare - you are my confidence.